I saw you in my sleep visions today. sitting in the garden among the trees, you read my poems. And if you were here for real, I would remember all the moments. The sky is bright blue you drink lemon water with ice. life is beautiful but you dont have a clue, i see the tears in your eyes. Your sadness will kill you your madness - divine. You're weird and you free, you're insane and its fine.
please, darling don't let darkness eat you inside. i beg u remember, you are safe and alive. So please let me hold you, I'm trying to heal you, I'm here and I'm yours, if you need me, I'll hear you. Just know that I will switch my whole role if you ask. Wife, mother, or friend-I am your future or past. pathetic, I know, but it's just a my curse, cause better for you but for me it is worse.
my kindness- my weakness, my dreams is my sweetnes. You are all my life, all my scare all my weirdness. I plead you dont harm me my sweet montain dew, i afraid and im scared but i still adore you.
09.10.2021 21:49
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