Today i was sleeping all day,
Sleepling and dreaming today.
My life is passing by,
With my time waving me and saying me:"Bye!"
I dont know how to control my time,
I dont know how to use it right.
Appreciating what you have is so easy,
But too difficult to keep it.
I have lived for twenty years,
Too young to die, but too tired to live.
I am tired of doing nothing,
Sitting in my room and chatting.
My friends are just like me,
Or is it me who is just like they?
You are the average of people,
Whom you see everyday.
I haven't reached what i wanted,
Because I've never wanted anything.
I never taught myself how to live,
And neither others taught me to be alive.
I am doing my routine without stopping.
Once I stop I ask myself:
"Where am I going? What am I doing?"
What's the point in working,
If you don't want to know the result.
Things change and happen,
Happen and change, and are always taken.
Taken by people, taken by world,
But missed by me and stopped.
I wanted to be like others,
And couldn't resist the freezing blast,
Of my dark and mournful life.
Imagine such kind of life as mine,
I find it bitter without my wine.
So never be the person like me.
Do what you want, be who you want,
Appreciate your time, and don't run together with it.
Aim to reach something, what will make you happy.
24.09.2017 14:46
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